Make it count

Number of Units

Average Price/Night

Occupancy rate

Abbreviate numbers:

Basic Stuff Nerd stuff

Estimated Income

2018 2019 2020 2021
total profit share not not not not Percentages
Master Franchiser not not not not 3 %
Franchisee not not not not 10 %
Land Owner not not not not 43.5 %
POSHTEL not not not not 43.5 %

Revenue Breakdown

2017 2018 2019 2020
Rental Revenue pr. unit not not not not
Ancillary Revenue not not not not
Total Revenue from Operations 10 units not not not not
Financing Cost not not not not

Cost of Operation

Admin fee %
Ancillary COGS - - - -
Cost of Operation not not not not
HQ Operating Cost (Logisitic, Brand, Marketing, Etc.) not not not not
Total Estimated Cost not not not not


Ancillary Sales spend/day % Probability Sales/Yr
Cleaning and Laundry % not
Food & Beverage % not
Recreationn rentals (Bike, Canoes, etc) % not
Electricity, Water, and waste % not


Operating Cost Reccurance $ Cost Sum
License & permits One time not
Marketing & AirBnb Management Monthly % not
Wifi/4g/3g/mth Monthly % not


Financing Cost pr UNIT SUM COST
Container not
Interest % not
Monthly Installment not
Yearly Installmnent not